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outside ac unit making a loud noise

Why Is Your Outside AC Unit Making a Loud Noise in Elizabethtown, KY? Find Out Now

By Heating and Cooling Blog

When the summer heat hits Elizabethtown, KY, your AC unit becomes your best friend. But what happens when your outside AC unit is making a loud noise? A noisy AC unit can be more than just an annoyance; it can signal serious issues.

Addressing noise problems can save you money and keep your home comfortable year-round. This is why it’s important to explore why this happens and how you can fix it.

Keep reading for great tips and advice on identifying possible causes for loud outside AC units and to learn where to find the best HVAC specialists in Elizabethtown to help you diagnose and correct this issue.

Noisy AC Unit Troubleshooting

There are several reasons your outside AC unit might be making loud noises. There might also be various sounds coming from your AC unit. Understanding these factors can help troubleshoot and solve the problem.

Consider the following possibilities.

Loose or Broken Parts

Over time, parts of your AC unit can become loose or break, leading to rattling or banging sounds. Regular maintenance can help prevent these issues.

Fan Problems

The fan in your AC unit is crucial in cooling your home. If it is loose or damaged, it can make a loud noise. Check the motor fan and fan blades for any indications of wear and tear.

Refrigerant Issues

Low or leaking refrigerant can cause your AC unit to make hissing or bubbling noises. This is a serious problem that needs professional attention.

Dirty Coils

Dirty coils can lower the efficiency of your AC unit and make it work harder, resulting in loud noises. Regular cleaning can help prevent this issue.

Compressor Problems

The compressor is the heart of your AC unit. If it malfunctions, it can cause loud, unusual noises and may need professional repair or replacement.

Clean the Unit

Clean the exterior of your AC unit periodically. Remove any debris, leaves, or dirt that is causing noise. A clean unit operates more quietly and efficiently.

Listen for Unusual Sounds

Different sounds can indicate other problems. For example, a rattling noise might mean a loose part, while a hissing sound could indicate a refrigerant leak.

AC Unit Maintenance Tips

Routine maintenance can prevent many issues that cause loud noises. Here are some tips to keep your AC unit in top shape.

Schedule Regular Inspections

Having a professional inspect your AC unit at least once a year can help you catch problems early on. This can save you money and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

Change the Air Filter

A dirty or blocked air filter can make your AC unit work harder and make more noise. Depending on usage, change the filter every 1-3 months.

Clean the Coils

Clean the coils on your AC unit regularly. This helps maintain efficiency and reduces noise. You can use a garden hose to rinse off the dirt and debris.

Check the Refrigerant Levels

Ensure your refrigerant levels are adequate. Low refrigerant can cause your AC unit to make loud noises and reduce its cooling efficiency. If you suspect a leak, immediately contact a professional.

HVAC Noise Reduction Tips

Is your AC unit still noisy after cleaning and a bit of troubleshooting? Here are some additional tips on quieting an AC unit to consider.

Install a Sound Blanket

A sound blanket can help limit noise from your AC unit. These blankets are designed to cover the compressor and dampen the sound.

Build a Sound Barrier

Building a fence or planting shrubs around your AC unit can help block and absorb sound. Ensure there is enough space for proper airflow.

Upgrade to a Quieter Model

If your AC unit is old, it might be time to upgrade to a newer, quieter model. Modern AC units are generally designed to work more quietly and efficiently. For further HVAC noise reduction, try the following:

  • Insulating your ductwork, it can help to reduce noise from the airflow
  • Install vibration pads under your AC unit, especially for rooftop units

Minimizing Disturbances with Quieter HVAC Solutions

Loud AC units can disturb neighbors and disrupt outdoor activities. Prolonged loud AC unit noises may cause discomfort and potential conflicts among residents.

In Elizabethtown, noise that disturbs people on neighboring properties between 9 PM and 7 AM is not allowed. This includes loud noise that disturbs residents’ peace, quiet, and comfort. If you can’t fix your loud outdoor AC unit cannot be fixed, you should consider that when deciding how to address the issue best.

Quiet AC units can improve quality of life by minimizing noise pollution. This can be really useful during warmer months when windows are open or during quiet evening hours when noise sensitivity is heightened.

When to Call a Professional

While many AC unit noises can be resolved with simple troubleshooting, some issues can be DIYed and need professional repair.

If your AC unit continues to make loud noises after your work, it’s time to call a professional. They can diagnose and resolve problems quickly and safely.

Refrigerant leaks are serious and should only be handled by a professional. They can safely repair the leak and recharge the system.

Compressor problems are complex and usually need professional repair or replacement. Don’t attempt to fix these issues on your own without having the knowledge or expertise.

Call a professional if your AC unit has an electrical issue. A qualified technician should handle electrical problems since they can be dangerous.

What to Do When Your Outside AC Unit Is Making a Loud Noise

If your outside AC unit is making a loud noise, you should investigate it promptly, as it can indicate serious problems. Use our guide to troubleshoot loud AC unit causes and the AC unit maintenance tips to prevent this in the future. If you want to enjoy a cool and quiet summer, you may consider using a trusted HVAC technician to help with this.

At Above All Mechanical, we simplify HVAC services. Our 24/7 emergency HVAC services ensure trained technicians arrive on time, ready to fix any loud AC unit. Contact us today to experience our top-rated services.

how to keep your house cool in the summer

Stay Cool: How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer in Bardstown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Does it feel like Kentucky is getting hotter and hotter as the years pass by? It’s so important to beat the summer heat so you can enjoy yourself, rather than suffer and spend all your time wishing for the hot days to end.

One big way to do this is to learn how to keep your house cool in the summer using several house cooling hacks. Yes, these do exist and we will speak about them in the article below, so you can start implementing these various strategies and techniques right away.

Optimizing Your Air Conditioning System

Before the summer heat arrives, schedule a professional HVAC inspection and tune-up to ensure your unit is in top condition. Consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat to customize cooling schedules based on your routine.

Additionally, using ceiling fans strategically can help circulate cool air throughout your home. This creates a more comfortable and cooler environment in your home than if you only used air conditioning.

It can also save you money on your energy bills, as ceiling fans use a fraction of the electricity that air conditioning does. 

Maximizing Natural Ventilation

Maximizing natural ventilation is another key aspect of keeping your home cool. Opening windows strategically during cooler morning and evening hours allows fresh air to circulate indoors, promoting natural cooling.

Creating cross-ventilation pathways by positioning windows and doors strategically helps draw in cool air and expel warm air, further enhancing airflow. Installing ventilation fans, such as exhaust fans or attic fans, can also aid in removing hot air from your home and venting it outside.

Enhancing Insulation and Sealing

Enhancing insulation and sealing air leaks play a significant role in maintaining a consistent indoor temperature. Ensure your home is properly insulated, especially in areas such as the attic, walls, and floors, to prevent heat transfer.

Sealing air leaks around windows, doors, and ductwork with caulk or weatherstripping helps keep cool air inside and warm air outside. This reduces energy waste and improves comfort.

Investing in Energy-Efficient Window Treatments

Investing in energy-efficient window treatments is another effective way to keep your home cool in the summer. Solar shades or reflective window film can block out heat and UV rays from the sun while still allowing natural light to enter your home.

Closing blinds, curtains, or drapes during the hottest part of the day helps block direct sunlight and reduce heat buildup indoors. You can always open them back up once the sun goes down if you wish to get in on the view outside. 

Creating Shade and Planting Trees

Planting shade trees strategically helps block out the sun’s rays and reduce solar heat gain. It’s not only important for the environment to have more trees planted everywhere, but it’s also great for your cooling bills. It’s a win-win situation.

Installing awnings, pergolas, or patio covers creates shaded outdoor areas where you can relax and enjoy the summer weather without overheating.

Limiting Heat-Generating Activities Indoors

Limiting heat-generating activities indoors is essential for keeping your home cool. Cooking meals outdoors on a grill or barbecue instead of using your oven or stove helps reduce heat buildup.

Opting for energy-efficient appliances that produce less heat, such as LED light bulbs and ENERGY STAR-rated refrigerators, can also help keep your home cooler and more comfortable.

Ductless Mini-Split Systems

Ductless mini-split systems offer a versatile and energy-efficient cooling solution for homes without existing ductwork or for room additions and renovations. These systems consist of an outdoor compressor unit and one or more indoor air-handling units connected by refrigerant lines.

Ductless mini-splits allow for individualized temperature control in different zones of your home, providing customized comfort while maximizing energy efficiency.

Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative coolers, also known as swamp coolers, use the natural process of evaporation to cool the air. These systems draw warm air through moistened pads, where it is cooled by evaporation, and then circulate the cooled air throughout your home.

These coolers are most effective in areas with low humidity levels, making them well-suited for the dry climate of Bardstown, KY. They consume less energy than traditional air conditioning systems and can be a cost-effective cooling solution for homeowners.

Smart Home Cooling Systems

Smart home cooling systems utilize advanced technology to optimize energy usage and enhance comfort levels. These systems often incorporate smart thermostats, sensors, and Wi-Fi connectivity to provide precise temperature control and automation.

Smart thermostats learn your cooling preferences over time and adjust settings accordingly, helping to maximize energy efficiency and reduce utility costs. Additionally, smart home cooling systems can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps, allowing you to adjust settings and monitor energy usage from anywhere.

Radiant Barrier Insulation

Radiant barrier insulation is a reflective material installed in the attic or on the underside of the roof to reduce radiant heat transfer into your home. This innovative insulation reflects radiant heat away from your home.

It keeps indoor temperatures cooler and reduces the workload on your air conditioning system. Radiant barrier insulation can complement traditional insulation methods and help improve overall energy efficiency and comfort.

Heat-Reflective Roofing Materials

Heat-reflective roofing materials, such as cool roofs and solar-reflective shingles, are designed to reflect sunlight and heat away from your home. This reduces heat absorption and lowers indoor temperatures.

These roofing materials typically have high solar reflectance and thermal emittance properties, making them effective at reducing heat gain in your home. By choosing heat-reflective roofing materials, you can minimize heat transfer through your roof and improve indoor comfort during the summer months.

How to Keep Your House Cool in the Summer

There are many effective cooling methods for your home that you can implement this summer in Bardstown, Kentucky. This is how to keep your house cool in the summer without increasing your energy bills. 

Above All Mechanical LLC is here to help you beat the summer heat. We are happy to consult with you and install any house cooling hacks you might be interested in. 

Our professional services are affordable. We offer up-front pricing and no-nonsense quotes with easy payments and low financing options. Set up an appointment with us today.

Elizabethtown Kentucky

What Temperature Should I Set My AC To This Summer in Elizabethtown, KY?

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Are you ready for another sweltering Elizabethtown, Kentucky summer? Finding the perfect temperature setting for your AC can be a game-changer for comfort and savings.

Many homeowners don’t turn the AC on unless the heat and humidity become brutal. Others aren’t sure how to set the thermostat at the ideal temperature to keep the house comfortable. 

The good news is you can enjoy a cool oasis and you can do it while keeping your energy bills in check and your HVAC system operating smoothly. 

Take a minute to explore our guide. You’ll find out about optimal temperature ranges, but we’ll also give you a few energy-saving strategies to keep you cool and your wallet happy. 

What the Experts Say About AC Temperature Settings

Setting the right temperature on your AC unit can have a significant impact on both your comfort and your energy bills. Energy efficiency experts, including Energy Star, recommend setting your thermostat at 78°F when you’re at home during the summer. This temperature strikes a balance between comfort and energy savings.

You can save even more by adjusting the thermostat a few degrees higher when you’re away from home or asleep. For every degree you raise the thermostat above 78°F, you can save about 1-3% on your cooling costs.

Here’s a breakdown of the recommended temperature settings for different scenarios:

  • When you’re at home, 78°F is ideal for comfort. You can set it a degree or two higher if you can maintain your preferred comfort level.
  • When you’re away, raise the temperature to around 85°F. It’s a great way to save energy while you’re at work or out running errands. 
  • When you’re asleep, set the thermostat slightly higher around 80°F, to save energy without sacrificing comfort while you rest. 

Factors to Consider When Setting Your AC

Comfort on hot, sticky days goes beyond getting the numbers right on the thermostat. Your personal preferences and household occupancy play a vital role in determining the ideal AC setting.

First, consider your personal comfort preferences. Some people prefer a cooler indoor environment, while others don’t mind when it’s slightly warm. Adjust your thermostat to meet the needs of everyone in your household.

Second, consider factors like insulation, shading, and the size of your home. Well-insulated homes with proper shading from trees or blinds can retain cool air more effectively. You can set the thermostat slightly higher without sacrificing comfort. 

Larger homes may require more cooling power. You may need to set the thermostat lower to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Don’t overlook the importance of air quality and ventilation. Poor air quality can make your home feel stuffy and uncomfortable, regardless of the temperature setting. One way to combat poor air quality is to install exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms to remove excess humidity and odors.

Ideal AC Temperature for Elizabethtown

In the heat of a Kentucky summer, finding the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency is key to keeping cool without breaking the bank. For Elizabethtown, Kentucky, the suggested temperature range is 78-80°F when you’re at home. 

But here’s the real secret: these numbers aren’t set in stone. 

Elizabethtown’s climate, with its mix of scorching heat and high humidity, might nudge you toward the lower end of the temperature range, especially at night. After all, when it feels like a sauna outside, you want a refreshing blast of cool air when you step inside.

So, while the recommended range is a good starting point, don’t be afraid to adjust it to fit your unique needs. After all, the goal is to stay comfortable while keeping your HVAC system humming efficiently all summer long.

DIY Energy-Saving Tips for a Kentucky Summer

You can survive a Kentucky summer! Keeping comfort and savings in mind, here’s how to improve energy efficiency and keep your home cool in Elizabethtown.

Seal Ducts

Check your ductwork for leaks and seal them properly. Leaky ducts can waste a significant amount of cooled air, reducing the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Change Air Filters

Regularly changing your air filters is the easiest and most economical tip we can offer. Clean air filters help maintain good indoor air quality and maximize energy efficiency. 

Check your filters monthly and replace them every 1-3 months, especially during peak cooling season.

Use Fans Wisely

Ceiling fans can help move cool air more effectively. Using ceiling fans allows you to raise the thermostat while still maintaining comfort.

During summer, set your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. You’ll love the cooling breeze.

Reduce Heat Gain

Blocking out sunlight during the hottest part of the day is key. Keeping blinds and curtains closed is a simple hack. You can also reduce solar heat gain with reflective window film.  

By following these energy-saving tips tailored to the unique challenges of a Kentucky summer, you can keep your home comfortable while saving money on your energy bills.

Remember to Schedule AC Maintenance

Most homeowners can tackle DIY AC maintenance, but please don’t forget to put professional maintenance on your calendar. Regular maintenance is essential for HVAC system efficiency, especially during hot summers.

Here are the practical benefits of scheduling regular HVAC maintenance:

  • Improved energy efficiency 
  • Catches potential issues early, 
  • Optimized AC performance
  • Improve indoor air quality
  • Reduced risk of emergency repairs
  • Compliance with warranty requirements 

Take a proactive approach and partner with your Elizabethtown, Kentucky HVAC contractor. You’ll escape the heat, save money on energy bills, and extend the life of your HVAC system. 

Ready for Another Elizabethtown, Kentucky Summer?

Setting the right AC temperature and using energy-saving strategies will help you beat the heat in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Remember to consider factors like personal preferences, insulation, and HVAC maintenance to optimize your cooling experience.

For the best HVAC service in your area, you can trust Above All Mechanical. Our team of expert HVAC technicians is ready to help you optimize your AC before summer arrives. We offer 24/7 services for all makes and models of HVAC systems.

Schedule an appointment today and experience the Above All Mechanical difference! We treat our customers like family!

ac functions

A Professional Guide To How Your AC Functions in Bardstown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Is your air conditioner ready to keep you cool during Bardstown’s hot and humid summers?

The hottest month can even reach near 90 degrees. Spring is the perfect time to get your AC in order.

First, you need a crash course on how your AC functions. This information will help you spot any issues in need of repair or replacement.

Parts Of a Central AC

The most popular type of AC seen in homes is the central air conditioning system. This system requires an indoor HVAC unit and an outdoor unit.

The indoor unit contains the fan coil; inside the fan coil, you’ll find the evaporator coil and a fan that circulates cool air throughout the home. An indoor HVAC unit may also contain the furnace, depending on the model.

The outdoor central AC unit features another fan, the condenser coil, and a compressor.

How An AC Functions

The central AC system kicks on when your home’s indoor air temperature rises to a certain level. This temperature setting may be customized to your liking. If you want to save energy, you should set the indoor temperature a little higher.

Automatically, the indoor HVAC unit will pull warm air into the return duct through the built-in fan.

The air is filtered for any indoor air pollutants before it meets the evaporator coil. The heat is absorbed by the liquid refrigerant and turns it into gas refrigerant.

The evaporator cools the air. The unit’s blower fan returns this newly cooled, filtered air into the home.

What about the warm air?

The gas refrigerant traps the warm air, sending it to the compressor. Once the gas is pressurized, it travels to the condenser coil. This releases the warm air out of the outdoor unit. The gas refrigerant converts back into liquid.

When Do You Need to Replace Your AC?

Now that you know how an AC functions, you can better spot issues with your system. For example, if an air conditioner is leaking, you’ll know by its frozen evaporator coil; you’ll also notice a rise in indoor humidity, hissing sounds from the unit, and low airflow coming from the vents.

Perhaps, one of the most telltale signs is a rising electrical bill.

With the right maintenance, a central AC system can last up to 30 years. However, the average is about half that time. Thus, it’s imperative to get periodic check-ups and tune-ups throughout its lifetime.

Keeping your roof maintained and insulated will also improve the functionality of your AC. This home maintenance will prevent it from overworking to cool the house. An overworked AC will have a higher risk of problems.

Enjoy a Cooler Summer In Bardstown

Don’t let your AC malfunction when you need it most. Remember how an AC functions so that you can spot problems early. Work with your local HVAC technicians to install the right model for your home’s heat load.

Above All Mechanical wants to help you get ready for summer. Learn more about our AC services or contact us today to book an installation.

HVAC maintenance

Choosing the Right HVAC Contractor for Your Elizabethtown, KY Spring Maintenance Needs

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Has your HVAC unit started making strange sounds or producing a foul odor? Don’t delay scheduling HVAC maintenance. Otherwise, the unit will break down, leading to more expensive repairs.

There are now over 415,800 HVAC technicians in the US, with the industry growing faster than most. Don’t choose an inexperienced HVAC contractor. Instead, read on to find the best HVAC companies in Elizabethtown, KY using these tips! 

Talk to Friends

Talk to friends, neighbors, and family members who live in Elizabethtown. Ask if they can recommend a local HVAC contractor. Look into companies they hired within the past year.

Learn more about each homeowner’s customer experience by asking:

  • Did the technician arrive on time?
  • Are they knowledgeable and qualified?
  • What HVAC services did you request?
  • How much did it cost?
  • Would you hire them again?

Check online for client reviews using BBB, Yelp, or Angie’s List. Look for HVAC companies in Elizabethtown with five-star ratings. You can feel confident choosing a company with an established reputation.

These companies will work to maintain their reputation by offering top-notch services. They care about their customers.

Research Each HVAC Contractor

Research each Elizabethtown HVAC company on your list. Determine when they first started offering services in the area. Choose a long-established business that has worked out operational kinks over time.

These teams know how to work as well-oiled machines. You’re less likely to encounter scheduling delays or billing issues.

Ask which HVAC contractor will arrive to work on your unit. Consider what training they’ve completed. Hire a licensed contractor who is qualified to work on your unit.

Otherwise, they may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Finding a contractor with certifications can help you feel confident in their abilities.

Confirm that they have experience working on your HVAC unit’s make and model. These professionals will have an easier time troubleshooting your air conditioning problems.

Review Their HVAC Services

Determine what HVAC services each company offers. Look for a full-service air conditioning and heating maintenance company. If you need additional help, you can choose a company you’ve already vetted.

Learn more about their HVAC maintenance services. Preventative maintenance can push the life of an AC unit to over 15 years. You can schedule smaller repairs instead of needing to replace the entire unit. 

Routine maintenance can:

  • Ensure efficient performance
  • Improve your home’s indoor air quality
  • Ensure comfort
  • Save you money
  • Improve your home’s resale value

You’ll have peace of mind knowing the unit is functioning properly.

Compare Prices

Ask three local HVAC companies for estimates. Get all estimates in writing to avoid future disputes.

Determine what’s included with each estimate (such as labor or materials). Review each company’s contract and ask if they offer a guarantee. These companies care about their customers. 

Request HVAC Maintenance in Elizabethtown Today

Don’t rush to hire the first HVAC contractor you find. Instead, use these tips to streamline your search. Find an Elizabethtown HVAC company you can trust to perform routine HVAC maintenance.

Our team at Above All Mechanical makes HVAC services simple. You can trust our trained, experienced technicians to get the job done at any hour. 

Experience our top-rated services. Schedule a free estimate today. 

thermostat repair

4 Signs You Need Professional Thermostat Repair in Bardstown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Nearly 90% of American households use air conditioning, and the residents of Bardstown aren’t shy about using their heating systems in the winter either.

The point is that we rely heavily on our HVAC systems to keep us comfortable and maintain our indoor air quality. If you start to notice temperature fluctuations with your HVAC system, it could be several issues. One of the biggest culprits, however, is a broken thermostat.

In today’s post, we’ll tell you four signs that you need professional thermostat repair or replacement in Bardstown. The sooner you can diagnose your problem, the sooner you can have your HVAC service fix it to prevent costly issues and an uncomfortable home. Keep reading and learn how to make a quick diagnosis.

1. Wrong Temperature Reading

One of the trickiest but most effective ways to tell if you’ve got thermostat problems is if you’re getting the wrong temperature reading. It requires you to pay attention to what’s on the screen and then sense the temperature of your room. That said, it’s a clear indication that you’ve got thermostat problems.

If you suspect you’re getting wrong temperature readings, turn up the heating or cooling and see if the HVAC system adjusts. When it doesn’t, then your suspicions are confirmed, and you need thermostat repair.

2. Temperature Fluctuations

If you’re getting constant temperature fluctuations, it’s likely because your system is short-cycling. This could be an issue with your HVAC system itself, but the first thing to check is the thermostat. Try lowering the settings to test it out, and if it’s still having difficulties, the thermostat is the culprit.

You’ll want to get this dealt with quickly. Short cycling can take a major toll on your HVAC system, which is a much costlier fix than thermostat replacement.

3. Energy Bill Spikes

One of the most obvious signs you have HVAC problems is spiking energy bills. If you’re like most Americans, you have a good sense of what your monthly bills should look like. Again, spikes in energy costs could have anything to do with your HVAC system.

A thermostat that isn’t reading the temperature correctly will cause your system to work harder, hence the higher energy usage. Upgrading to a new smart thermostat that you can program to turn on at certain times and in certain places will give you lower bills than you’ve ever seen.

4. Unresponsive Thermostat

Lastly, if the screen is unresponsive, you’ve either got dead batteries or a broken thermostat. If changing the batteries doesn’t do anything, call your local HVAC service to come and inspect the thermostat. Chances are, you’ll need a thermostat replacement.

Get the Best Thermostat Repair in Bardstown, KY

If you’re having HVAC issues, the best thing to do is get a technician in ASAP to diagnose and fix it. All of the things we’ve discussed here could indicate that you’ve got a broken thermostat. Fortunately, thermostat repair is a simple fix for a highly trained technician.

To get the best HVAC repair services in Bardstown, look no further than Above All Mechanical. We offer 24/7 emergency services with affordable pricing and excellent customer service. Contact us today to have one of our amazing technicians come and take a look at your thermostat.

commercial refrigeration services

Energy-Efficient Upgrades for Commercial Refrigeration: Maximizing Savings in Bardstown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Upgrading to energy-efficient commercial refrigeration can reduce energy costs by up to 30%! This fact is great news for businesses in Bardstown, KY!

Energy-efficient refrigeration is also beneficial for the environment. It helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources. Moreover, a focus on energy efficiency can help businesses stay competitive. (After all, energy costs are not going down any time soon.

We’re examining how small changes to your commercial refrigeration services affect your bottom line. We also want to know where to go for the best advice and guidance on these critical operational systems.

Let’s find out together. 

Elevate Your Efficiency with Smart Upgrades

Exploring the world of commercial refrigeration reveals a range of innovative upgrades. These work to boost efficiency and performance. Yet, they go beyond mere cost savings. How so?

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Refrigeration Equipment

Outdated refrigeration units are often energy hogs. In fact, a trusty 70s system could easily consume five times the power of one of today’s refrigeration options. By switching to newer, more energy-efficient models, businesses can quickly reduce energy consumption.

This single act helps in maximizing savings, yes. But also aligns with modern energy-efficient practices.

Illuminate with LED Lighting

Exchanging traditional bulbs for LED lighting is a small change with a big impact. LEDs are far more energy-efficient in refrigeration systems. Over time, they will reduce the energy footprint of your commercial refrigeration.

Insulate for Improved Efficiency

Adding insulation to refrigeration units and pipes is a straightforward yet effective strategy. Proper insulation minimizes energy loss, ensuring your systems operate at peak efficiency.

Control with Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats offer a dual benefit. They maintain optimal temperatures while reducing energy use during non-peak hours. This smart investment can lead to significant reductions in your energy bills.

Commit to Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for the longevity and efficiency of your refrigeration equipment. By committing to routine check-ups, businesses can preempt potential issues. This ensures their systems always operate at optimal performance. 

These maintenance sessions involve:

  • Thorough inspections
  • Timely cleaning
  • Necessary adjustments

Frequent checks are crucial in avoiding unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. As we’ve seen, well-maintained equipment is more likely to meet energy-efficiency standards. (Plus, reduce your utility bills and environmental footprint.)

Commercial Refrigeration Services for Every Need

Above All Mechanical offers comprehensive refrigeration services. These are tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in Bardstown, KY. From installation to maintenance, we ensure your systems are always at their peak.

But we’re not just about refrigeration. We also provide reliable HVAC services to keep your business comfortable year-round.

Above All Mechanical – Your Partner in Efficiency

We deliver reliable commercial refrigeration services in Bardstown, KY. Our team at Above All Mechanical takes pride in helping our clients achieve major energy savings. We achieve this through state-of-the-art upgrades and diligent maintenance services. 

Are you looking to enhance the efficiency of your refrigeration systems? Contact us for a consultation or a free quote. Let’s work together to make your business more energy-efficient and cost-effective.

heating maintenance

Why Regular Heating Maintenance Is a Winter Necessity in Elizabethtown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Picture this: 

You wake up one winter morning, and your house is freezing. You walk to your thermostat to see what’s wrong. You discover the temperature is not where it should be.

Great. Your furnace isn’t working. Now what? 

Getting warm is difficult in the cold Kentucky winters if you don’t have heat. That’s why you need to focus on proper heating maintenance. Heating maintenance helps you avoid outages and improves furnace efficiency.

Continue reading to learn about the maintenance you need and the benefits maintenance offers. 

Reasons to Get Heating Maintenance

The average temperature in the winter is 23°F in Kentucky. That’s cold, so you’ll rely on your furnace to stay warm. Maintenance helps with this task.

Heating maintenance in Elizabethtown is helpful for the following reasons:

Improves Efficiency

Maintenance is a preventative service. So, it encourages and helps systems run well. One result is improved furnace efficiency

Efficiency affects how well a system heats a home with the energy it uses. High-efficient furnaces heat homes faster and with less energy. 

Well-maintained systems tend to run more efficiently. As a result, proper maintenance leads to decreased energy bills. 

Helps You Stay Comfortable

When a furnace runs well, you stay more comfortable. You’ll have an easier time maintaining your desired temperature, and you’ll feel warmer when you’re home. 

Maintenance also helps you detect problems with your system’s flow. For example, a technician might suggest replacing some of your ductwork if it’s run improperly. 

Ensures All Components Work

Maintaining your system also helps each component work well. Technicians check the parts and replace worn-out ones. You won’t have to wait until it breaks to fix it. 

Prevents Outages and Repairs 

You can also prevent outages and HVAC repairs by maintaining your system. In fact, routine maintenance is one of the best ways to reduce money spent on heating repair bills. 

What Heating Maintenance Involves

The primary form of maintenance you need is an annual tune-up. A tune-up is a comprehensive service that includes multiple steps. 

First, the technician checks every component. The purpose is to detect potential problems. If they remedy them now, they won’t act up later.

When they find bad parts, they’ll replace them. As a result, you’ll reduce the potential for heating outages and repairs. 

Next, they clean the system. A heating system gets dirty with use. Cleaning it helps it run more smoothly and improves a home’s indoor air quality

Finally, they grease the parts to promote proper lubrication. Lubrication helps the parts run smoothly and reduces friction. This process also improves a system’s efficiency. 

Schedule Your Maintenance Today

As you can see, heating maintenance in Elizabethtown, KY, is vital for several reasons. It helps you stay warm and comfortable. It also ensures efficient heating for the entire winter. 

Above All Mechanical has a team of trained technicians who perform high-quality services. We provide 24/7 services and work on all system types. We’re licensed and bonded and treat every customer like they’re family.

Reach out today to learn more about our services. 

furnace repair

3 Tips for Saving Money on Furnace Repair in Bardstown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

The average heating bill in the United States is a little over $800. While this price varies depending on house size and climate, the point is that you will likely spend approximately $800 to warm your house this year. 

Understandably, you may not want to put extra money into furnace repair. Finding furnace repair in Bardstown, KY, won’t be too difficult. You can always reach out to Above All Mechanical for furnace maintenance service. 

But wouldn’t you rather save any bit of cash where you can? There’s no point in spending money if you don’t have to.

Below are three tips for saving money on furnace repair. Keep reading to learn more. 

1. Clean Your Furnace and Change the Filter

Most furnace repair work requires a skilled, professional contractor’s hand. However, there are types of DIY maintenance you can perform solo.

If you’ve got an outdoor furnace unit, clean it and remove debris to improve performance. Indoor units need occasional filter maintenance. Some filters are reusable, but if not, you must replace them.

Not only will this help the unit run better, but you’ll notice an operational improvement. Changing the filter will also increase indoor air quality and help save heating and repair bills.

Refusing to clean furnaces and change the filters leaves debris to clog the system and prevents proper air filtration.

2. Perform Regular Maintenance

There are a few kinds of maintenance you can perform on your own. You should remove obstructions around vents so the heat can evenly disperse throughout your home.

Clearing vents help reduce the strain on your HVAV system. Certain other kinds of maintenance need an expert hand. Have regularly scheduled check-ups done on your HVAC unit. 

A licensed technician can inspect your furnace and will spot any issues before they become significant problems. For example, strange noises coming from the furnace are usually cause for concern. 

Seek out your nearest Bardstown, KY, HVAC service if you hear odd sounds in your heating unit. Above All can help before it gets worse. 

3. Consider Upgrading Your Furnace

Not even the best HVAC companies in Bardstown can do anything with a heating unit far past its prime. The average life expectancy of a furnace is 15 to 20 years, but this may vary depending on the unit. 

Outdated or inefficient furnaces will require too much maintenance and upkeep to be worth keeping. You also risk an improperly working unit suddenly quitting on you one day. 

It’s a safer and less expensive bet to purchase a new, energy-efficient furnace. The upfront cost won’t be cheap, but you’ll eventually save money and time with a better model furnace. 

Want to Avoid Furnace Repair? 

The best way to avoid needing furnace repair work is to clean your filters and perform regular maintenance. If all else fails, consider purchasing a new unit. 

If you do need heating and furnace repair services, you can count on Above All Mechanical to help. We service homes throughout Bardstown and Elizabethtown, Kentucky. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment or for a free furnace estimate today!

hvac preventative maintenance

The Connection Between HVAC Maintenance and Thermostat Performance in Elizabethtown, KY

By Heating and Cooling Blog

Ignoring maintenance for your HVAC system could cost you thousands in repairs. The average replacement cost in Elizabethtown, KY runs between $6,600 and $8,400

One component that suffers when you forget about maintenance is your thermostat. HVAC preventative maintenance can boost thermostat performance.

Read on to find out how maintaining your HVAC system helps your thermostat do its job better. It’s one of the easiest ways to save on repairs and it helps optimize the lifespan of your system.

The Thermostat Plays a Leading Role

If you wish to maintain a comfortable indoor environment this winter, treat your thermostat as your best friend. That means nurturing the friendship by taking care of the whole system, not only that single component.

Think about your best friend for a minute. Best friends always seem to know what to do or say to make you feel warm and loved. That’s kind of how your thermostat works.

The problem is that unless you schedule preventative HVAC maintenance, the thermostat doesn’t know what to do to keep you warm. Even modern programmable thermostats need help.

The thermostat isn’t only the heart of your HVAC system, it’s the brain behind the whole operation. You tell the thermostat what temperature you want inside your home. The thermostat regulates the temperature.

Preventative HVAC Maintenance and Thermostat Health

If you neglect HVAC maintenance, it can have several adverse effects on your thermostat’s performance. Here are a few that can impact your comfort this winter:

  • Inaccurate temperature readings
  • Delayed responses
  • Reduced energy efficiency
  • Thermostat calibration issues
  • Unreliable performance
  • Long-term damage
  • Short cycling

Without regular maintenance, your HVAC components may become worn or malfunction. This can lead to delays in the system’s response to the thermostat’s commands.

How to Extend HVAC Lifespan and Help the Thermostat 

Everything listed above not only impacts the thermostat but can cause premature wear and tear on your HVAC system. If you can fine-tune the system, the thermostat will behave itself and perform like a charm this winter.

You can do several DIY maintenance tasks to help the thermostat perform better year-round. Changing the air filter is the easiest.

Scheduling regular HVAC service is the smartest move you can make. Please call your HVAC technician at least once a year, ideally in the fall, you can make sure your system is in peak condition for the winter.

During maintenance, your technician will clean, lubricate, and inspect all components. This helps prevent breakdowns, extends the system’s lifespan, and improves thermostat performance.

HVAC preventative maintenance, with its system-saving advantages, can save you thousands of dollars on repairs and help you avoid the need for a new HVAC system this year.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance Before Winter Arrives

We’ve shown you how to make your HVAC system last longer and improve thermostat performance. Now is the time to schedule HVAC preventative maintenance.

Make sure to call Above All Mechanical and schedule maintenance. We take care of HVAC installations, repairs, and maintenance for anyone living in the Elizabethtown, KY area. We’re here for you 24/7 and can work on all makes and models.

Reach out today to book your appointment.
